Supplier File

These instructions are for Navigator File Management. For information on File Maintenance in the Green Screen (AS400), refer to File Maintenance .

A supplier is a company you buy inventory from, which has a three-character, alphanumeric code. Generally, suppliers and manufacturers are the same, though some suppliers have no corresponding manufacturers. For example, you might need to buy material from a local competitor. You can buy the same items from multiple suppliers.

The Supplier File contains essential information about each supplier, including the address that appears on checks, summarized accounts payable (AP) statistics, and AP system parameters.

The Supplier File is shared by all companies using the AP and Purchasing Systems. More than one company can enter purchase orders, post bills, and write checks to the same supplier. All statistics are available for each company and for all companies. However, you should note that summarized statistics displayed on the Supplier File Entry screen are for all companies.